

Cards are used in the Shop and Newsletter pages. They are based on the basic Bootstrap card component.

Shop Cards

These cards are used in e-commerce. They allow for a preview of the product with a button that appears on hover state.



Brand – Category

$59.99 $89.99



Brand – Category

$59.99 $89.99



Brand – Category

$59.99 $89.99

<!-- Shop Cards -->
<div class="row row-cols-1 row-cols-md-2 row-cols-lg-3">
    <div class="col p-0">
        <div class="card h-100 bg-transparent border border-0 position-relative">
            <div class="product-link position-relative rounded-5 overflow-hidden">
                <a href="../product-single.html">
                    <img src="../img/shop-card-slide-1.jpg"
                        class="card-img-top" alt="shop image">
                <div class="quick-view position-absolute">
                    <button type="button"
                        class="btn btn-light btn-xl text-12 text-nowrap rounded-pill shadow border border-1 border-brand-light-gray">Quick
            <div class="card-body px-1 py-0">
                <div class="d-flex justify-content-between">
                    <p class="card-title text-14">Title</p>
                    <a href="#" aria-label="add to favorites" class="favorites"><i
                            class="feather-icon-18 stroke-w-1"></i></a>
                <div class="d-flex">
                    <i data-feather="star"
                        class="me-1 feather-icon-12 stroke-w-1 svg-fill-brand-dark-gray"></i>
                    <i data-feather="star"
                        class="me-1 feather-icon-12 stroke-w-1 svg-fill-brand-dark-gray"></i>
                    <i data-feather="star"
                        class="me-1 feather-icon-12 stroke-w-1 svg-fill-brand-dark-gray"></i>
                    <i data-feather="star"
                        class="me-1 feather-icon-12 stroke-w-1 svg-fill-brand-dark-gray"></i>
                    <i data-feather="star"
                        class="me-1 feather-icon-12 stroke-w-1 svg-fill-brand-dark-gray"></i>
                    <span class="text-10 text-brand-mid-gray px-3">18</span>
                <p class="card-text text-10 text-uppercase letter-spacing-01 my-1">Brand
                <p class="text-brand-primary text-12 fw-semibold">$59.99 <span
                        class="text-brand-mid-gray text-decoration-line-through">$89.99</span>
    <div class="col p-0">
        <div class="card h-100 bg-transparent border border-0 position-relative">
            <div class="product-link position-relative rounded-5 overflow-hidden">
                <div class="discount-sticker">
                    25% off
                <a href="../product-single.html">
                    <img src="../img/shop-card-slide-1.jpg"
                        class="card-img-top" alt="shop image">
                <div class="quick-view position-absolute">
                    <button type="button"
                        class="btn btn-light btn-xl text-12 text-nowrap rounded-pill shadow border border-1 border-brand-light-gray">Quick
            <div class="card-body px-1 py-0">
                <div class="d-flex justify-content-between">
                    <p class="card-title text-14">Title</p>
                    <a href="#" aria-label="add to favorites" class="favorites"><i
                            class="feather-icon-18 stroke-w-1"></i></a>
                <div class="d-flex">
                    <i data-feather="star"
                        class="me-1 feather-icon-12 stroke-w-1 svg-fill-brand-dark-gray"></i>
                    <i data-feather="star"
                        class="me-1 feather-icon-12 stroke-w-1 svg-fill-brand-dark-gray"></i>
                    <i data-feather="star"
                        class="me-1 feather-icon-12 stroke-w-1 svg-fill-brand-dark-gray"></i>
                    <i data-feather="star"
                        class="me-1 feather-icon-12 stroke-w-1 svg-fill-brand-dark-gray"></i>
                    <i data-feather="star"
                        class="me-1 feather-icon-12 stroke-w-1 svg-fill-transparent"></i>
                    <span class="text-10 text-brand-mid-gray px-3">18</span>
                <p class="card-text text-10 text-uppercase letter-spacing-01 my-1">Brand
                <p class="text-brand-primary text-12 fw-semibold">$59.99 <span
                        class="text-brand-mid-gray text-decoration-line-through">$89.99</span>
    <div class="col p-0">
        <div class="card h-100 bg-transparent border border-0 position-relative">
            <div class="product-link position-relative rounded-5 overflow-hidden">
                <a href="../product-single.html">
                    <img src="../img/shop-card-slide-1.jpg"
                        class="card-img-top" alt="shop image">
                <div class="quick-view position-absolute">
                    <button type="button"
                        class="btn btn-light btn-xl text-12 text-nowrap rounded-pill shadow border border-1 border-brand-light-gray">Quick
            <div class="card-body px-1 py-0">
                <div class="d-flex justify-content-between">
                    <p class="card-title text-14">Title</p>
                    <a href="#" aria-label="add to favorites" class="favorites"><i
                            class="feather-icon-18 stroke-w-1"></i></a>
                <div class="d-flex">
                    <i data-feather="star"
                        class="me-1 feather-icon-12 stroke-w-1 svg-fill-brand-dark-gray"></i>
                    <i data-feather="star"
                        class="me-1 feather-icon-12 stroke-w-1 svg-fill-brand-dark-gray"></i>
                    <i data-feather="star"
                        class="me-1 feather-icon-12 stroke-w-1 svg-fill-brand-dark-gray"></i>
                    <i data-feather="star"
                        class="me-1 feather-icon-12 stroke-w-1 svg-fill-brand-dark-gray"></i>
                    <i data-feather="star"
                        class="me-1 feather-icon-12 stroke-w-1 svg-fill-brand-dark-gray"></i>
                    <span class="text-10 text-brand-mid-gray px-3">18</span>
                <p class="card-text text-10 text-uppercase letter-spacing-01 my-1">Brand
                <p class="text-brand-primary text-12 fw-semibold">$59.99 <span
                        class="text-brand-mid-gray text-decoration-line-through">$89.99</span>
Newsletter Cards

These cards are found on the newsletter pages and anywhere blog articles are found.

blog image

March 27, 2024

Card Title

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur, adipisicing elit. Quia sed placeat eius consequuntur dicta.

blog image

March 27, 2024

Card Title

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur, adipisicing elit. Quia sed placeat eius consequuntur dicta.

blog image

March 27, 2024

Card Title

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur, adipisicing elit. Quia sed placeat eius consequuntur dicta.

<!-- Newsletter Cards -->
<div class="row row-cols-1 row-cols-md-2 row-cols-lg-3 g-1px">
    <div class="col">
        <div class="card newscard overflow-hidden h-100 mb-5">
            <div class="overflow-hidden img-container rounded-5 m-1"><img
                    src="../img/news-card-slide-1.jpg" alt="blog image">
            <div class="card-body px-1 py-0">
                <p class="meta">Category <br>March 27, 2024</p>
                <hr class="m-0">
                <h3 class="card-title mt-2">Card Title</h3>
                <hr class="m-0">
                <p class="card-text fw-light mt-3">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur,
                    elit. Quia
                    sed placeat eius consequuntur dicta.</p>
            <div class="card-footer px-1 pb-4 pt-7 border-top-0 text-uppercase"><a href="#"
                    class="stretched-link">Read More <i data-feather="arrow-right"
                        class="feather-icon-18 stroke-w-3"></i></a>

    <div class="col">
        <div class="card newscard overflow-hidden h-100 mb-5">
            <div class="overflow-hidden img-container rounded-5 m-1"><img
                    src="../img/news-card-slide-1.jpg" alt="blog image">
            <div class="card-body px-1 py-0">
                <p class="meta">Category <br>March 27, 2024</p>
                <hr class="m-0">
                <h3 class="card-title mt-2">Card Title</h3>
                <hr class="m-0">
                <p class="card-text fw-light mt-3">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur,
                    elit. Quia
                    sed placeat eius consequuntur dicta.</p>
            <div class="card-footer px-1 pb-4 pt-7 border-top-0 text-uppercase"><a href="#"
                    class="stretched-link">Read More <i data-feather="arrow-right"
                        class="feather-icon-18 stroke-w-3"></i></a>

    <div class="col">
        <div class="card newscard overflow-hidden h-100 mb-5">
            <div class="overflow-hidden img-container rounded-5 m-1"><img
                    src="../img/news-card-slide-1.jpg" alt="blog image">
            <div class="card-body px-1 py-0">
                <p class="meta">Category <br>March 27, 2024</p>
                <hr class="m-0">
                <h3 class="card-title mt-2">Card Title</h3>
                <hr class="m-0">
                <p class="card-text fw-light mt-3">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur,
                    elit. Quia
                    sed placeat eius consequuntur dicta.</p>
            <div class="card-footer px-1 pb-4 pt-7 border-top-0 text-uppercase"><a href="#"
                    class="stretched-link">Read More <i data-feather="arrow-right"
                        class="feather-icon-18 stroke-w-3"></i></a>

Pricing Cards

Pricing cards are made with Bootstrap and includes a pricing feature made with a checkbox. The checkbox requires the billing-cycle.js javascript for functionality.

Tier 1


billed yearly

  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.

Tier 2


billed yearly

  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.

Tier 3


billed yearly

  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.
<!-- Pricing Cards -->
<div id="pricing-cards">
    <div class="row row-cols-1 row-cols-lg-3 g-4 mb-5">
        <div class="col col-md-8 offset-md-2 col-lg-6 offset-lg-3 col-xl-4 offset-xl-0">
            <div class="card h-100 p-4 p-xl-2 bg-white shadow border-1 rounded-5">
                <div class="card-body text-center mt-xl-3">
                    <p class="text-12 text-uppercase letter-spacing-01">
                        Tier 1</p>
                    <div id="bronzePricing">
                        <h5 class="card-title display-3 mb-0"><span
                                class="text-30 position-relative top-neg-24">$</span><span
                                class="price">2.99</span><span class="text-20">/mo</span>
                        <p class="text-10">billed <span class="cycle">yearly</span>
                    <div class="billing-cycle-container form-check form-switch ps-0 d-flex justify-content-center align-items-center mt-5"

                            class="form-check-label d-inline-block text-10 text-uppercase letter-spacing-005"
                        <input id="bronze" onchange="getTier(event)" type="checkbox"
                            class="mx-1 d-inline-block form-check-input" checked>
                            class="form-check-label d-inline-block text-10 text-uppercase letter-spacing-005 position-relative"
                        <h6 class="mt-5 mb-3">Features</h6>
                        <ul class="d-inline-block mx-auto mb-5">
                            <li class="pb-3">
                                <i class="me-1" data-feather="check" width="20px"
                                    height="20px" stroke-width="3" color="#FF3B9D"></i>
                                Lorem ipsum dolor sit
                            <li class="pb-3">
                                <i class="me-1" data-feather="check" width="20px"
                                    height="20px" stroke-width="3" color="#FF3B9D"></i>
                                Lorem ipsum dolor sit
                            <li class="pb-3">
                                <i class="me-1" data-feather="check" width="20px"
                                    height="20px" stroke-width="3" color="#FF3B9D"></i>Lorem
                                ipsum dolor sit
                            <li class="pb-3">
                                <i class="me-1" data-feather="x" width="20px" height="20px"
                                dolor sit
                            <li class="pb-3">
                                <i class="me-1" data-feather="x" width="20px" height="20px"
                                dolor sit

                        class="btn btn-brand-primary-reverse btn-xl rounded-pill shadow mb-4">Button</button>
            class="col col-md-8 offset-md-2 col-lg-6 offset-lg-3 col-xl-4 offset-xl-0 mt-5 mt-xl-4">
                class="card h-100 p-4 px-xl-2 bg-white box-shadow-brand-primary border-1 border-brand-primary rounded-5 position-relative">
                    class="text-white text-center text-14 fw-bold bg-brand-primary position-absolute py-3 rounded-pill mx-auto most-popular">
                    Lorem Ipsum</div>
                <div class="card-body text-center">
                    <p class="text-12 text-uppercase letter-spacing-01">
                        Tier 2</p>
                    <div id="silverPricing">
                        <h5 class="card-title display-3 mb-0"><span
                                class="text-30 position-relative top-neg-24">$</span><span
                                class="price">4.99</span><span class="text-20">/mo</span>
                        <p class="text-10">billed <span class="cycle">yearly</span>
                    <div class="billing-cycle-container form-check form-switch ps-0 d-flex justify-content-center align-items-center mt-5"

                            class="form-check-label d-inline-block text-10 text-uppercase letter-spacing-005"
                        <input id="silver" onchange="getTier(event)" type="checkbox"
                            class="mx-1 d-inline-block form-check-input" checked>
                            class="form-check-label d-inline-block text-10 text-uppercase letter-spacing-005 position-relative"
                        <h6 class="mt-5 mb-3">Features</h6>
                        <ul class="d-inline-block mx-auto mb-5">
                            <li class="pb-3">
                                <i class="me-1" data-feather="check" width="20px"
                                    height="20px" stroke-width="3" color="#FF3B9D"></i>
                                Lorem ipsum dolor sit
                            <li class="pb-3">
                                <i class="me-1" data-feather="check" width="20px"
                                    height="20px" stroke-width="3" color="#FF3B9D"></i>
                                Lorem ipsum dolor sit
                            <li class="pb-3">
                                <i class="me-1" data-feather="check" width="20px"
                                    height="20px" stroke-width="3" color="#FF3B9D"></i>Lorem
                                ipsum dolor sit
                            <li class="pb-3">
                                <i class="me-1" data-feather="check" width="20px"
                                    height="20px" stroke-width="3" color="#FF3B9D"></i>Lorem
                                ipsum dolor sit
                            <li class="pb-3">
                                <i class="me-1" data-feather="x" width="20px" height="20px"
                                dolor sit
                        class="btn btn-brand-primary btn-xl rounded-pill shadow mb-4">Button</button>
        <div class="col col-md-8 offset-md-2 col-lg-6 offset-lg-3 col-xl-4 offset-xl-0">
            <div class="card h-100 p-4 p-xl-2 bg-white shadow border-1 rounded-5">
                <div class="card-body text-center mt-xl-3">
                    <p class="text-12 text-uppercase letter-spacing-01">
                        Tier 3</p>
                    <div id="goldPricing">
                        <h5 class="card-title display-3 mb-0"><span
                                class="text-30 position-relative top-neg-24">$</span><span
                                class="price">7.99</span><span class="text-20">/mo</span>
                        <p class="text-10">billed <span class="cycle">yearly</span>

                    <div class="billing-cycle-container form-check form-switch ps-0 d-flex justify-content-center align-items-center mt-5"

                            class="form-check-label d-inline-block text-10 text-uppercase letter-spacing-005"
                        <input id="gold" onchange="getTier(event)" type="checkbox"
                            class="mx-1 d-inline-block form-check-input" checked>
                            class="form-check-label d-inline-block text-10 text-uppercase letter-spacing-005 position-relative"

                        <h6 class="mt-5 mb-3">Features</h6>
                        <ul class="d-inline-block mx-auto mb-5">
                            <li class="pb-3">
                                <i class="me-1" data-feather="check" width="20px"
                                    height="20px" stroke-width="3" color="#FF3B9D"></i>
                                Lorem ipsum dolor sit
                            <li class="pb-3">
                                <i class="me-1" data-feather="check" width="20px"
                                    height="20px" stroke-width="3" color="#FF3B9D"></i>
                                Lorem ipsum dolor sit
                            <li class="pb-3">
                                <i class="me-1" data-feather="check" width="20px"
                                    height="20px" stroke-width="3" color="#FF3B9D"></i>Lorem
                                ipsum dolor sit
                            <li class="pb-3">
                                <i class="me-1" data-feather="check" width="20px"
                                    height="20px" stroke-width="3" color="#FF3B9D"></i>Lorem
                                ipsum dolor sit
                            <li class="pb-3">
                                <i class="me-1" data-feather="check" width="20px"
                                    height="20px" stroke-width="3" color="#FF3B9D"></i>Lorem
                                ipsum dolor sit
                        class="btn btn-brand-primary-reverse btn-xl rounded-pill shadow mb-4">Button</button>

Brand Cards

Brand cards are found on Shop pages. For best results use black (#000000) SVG images of brand logos.

<!-- Brand Cards -->
<section class="container">
    <div class="row row-cols-2 row-cols-md-3 row-cols-lg-6 g-1">
        <div class="col">
            <a class="brands" href="">
                <div class="card rounded-5 overflow-hidden">
                    <img class="img-fluid" src="../img/logo-placeholder-1.svg" alt="logo">
        <div class="col">
            <a class="brands" href="">
                <div class="card rounded-5 overflow-hidden">
                    <img class="img-fluid" src="../img/logo-placeholder-1.svg" alt="logo">
        <div class="col">
            <a class="brands" href="">
                <div class="card rounded-5 overflow-hidden">
                    <img class="img-fluid" src="../img/logo-placeholder-1.svg" alt="logo">
        <div class="col">
            <a class="brands" href="">
                <div class="card rounded-5 overflow-hidden">
                    <img class="img-fluid" src="../img/logo-placeholder-1.svg" alt="logo">
        <div class="col">
            <a class="brands" href="">
                <div class="card rounded-5 overflow-hidden">
                    <img class="img-fluid" src="../img/logo-placeholder-1.svg" alt="logo">
        <div class="col">
            <a class="brands" href="">
                <div class="card rounded-5 overflow-hidden">
                    <img class="img-fluid" src="../img/logo-placeholder-1.svg" alt="logo">